On July 14th 2024, BBC Countryfile dedicated a whole program to Hengistbury Head (focussing mainly on the ongoing work to replace the Long Groyne).
As an artist who works regularly on Hengistbury Head they very kindly invited me to take part, and filmed me drawing and sketching on the hottest day of the year (so far!).
Hengistbury Head is my spritual and creative home. It's hard to put into words how an environment that you spend so much time in impacts the work you make, as a creative.
It was lovely to tell viewers how much it means to me to spend time there making drawings and sketching. All my studio work begins outside, on the ground, in the sky, over the sea.
click below for a link to the BBC i-Player where you can watch the program, and my little part in it.
I dont know how long it will be up for - maybe a few weeks?